Johnson City Scout Shop

The Johnson City Scout Shop is operated by the National Council Scouting America’s Supply Group

Located in the Council Service Center. 
129 Boone Ridge Drive, Johnson City, TN 37615.

Susan Nettles – Manager

Scout Shop Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Closed for lunch
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

10:00 – 2:00 pm

Wednesday and Sunday:

Phone – 423-952-6965 

Scout Shop Online Catalog:

Buy uniforms online & pick them up in store.
A completed Advancement Report is REQUIRED for all advancement items (rank, merit badges, etc.). Please use the upload feature within the link to include your report with this order submission. You can print you completed form from ScoutBook or download a blank one from within the link.

The complete Scout uniform tends to diminish the importance of a person’s financial, social, and ethnic background while clearly showing each individual’s scouting accomplishments.  By dressing alike, Scouts show they are equals.  As quoted from the Handbook for Boys, 3rd Edition, 1927; “….putting on the uniform does not make a fellow a Scout, but putting on the uniform is a sign to the world that one has taken the Scout obligations and folks expect Scout-like acts from one wearing it”.


Need help getting those new patches on your uniform?  Do Pants need hemming?  The Johnson City Scout Shop will gladly do the sewing for you.  You can be assured they are in the correct position.

$5.00 per Patch / $15.00 for Hemming

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