Just Ask One

Just Ask One Recruiter Patch

Scouts are the best recruiters, and Parents can help their children earn The Recruiter Patch.”

Just Ask One is designed to give your Cub Scouts and their families a recruitment tool to promote Scouting. What a great opportunity for youth to have their friends join them in this adventure!

Existing Cub Scout families can probably think of at least one other family that they would like to share their Scouting experiences with.

Parents should invite their friends/their children’s friends’ parents to join them at the next meeting. This should be a personal ask from each family.


Have your Cub Scouts all wear their uniforms to school on an agreed-upon day before your Sign-Up Night. Give your Scouts a business card-sized “buddy card” that they can give to a friend as a way of personally inviting them (sense a theme here?) to the Sign-Up Night.


Use contact information from your school directory to email each family with a personal invitation to your pack’s Sign-Up Night. Include a personal testimonial/message about how Cub Scouting has benefited your child and family. This is especially important for Kindergarten and First Grade students, who might not be as involved in other activities yet. Attach your Sign-Up Night flyer.

The requirement to earn this patch is simply to have a friend join Scouting by completing an application and paying the registration fees.

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